2:04: Big challenges face market research today, but the industry continues to rely on old, traditional methods.
4:32: "People want to engage with brands more than ever before," shares Matt Kleinschmit, CEO and Founder of Reach3 Insights.
5:43: Learn a simple and powerful idea to engaging with consumers today in an immersive and authentic fashion.
9:26: Conversational research methods have mainstream appeal, bringing new voices into market research. This includes Gen Zs, younger Millennials, BIPOC consumers, and more.
10:18: By engaging with a mix of Millennials, Baby Boomers, and Gen Xers, Jagermeister gained insights on how to reinvent its brand.
11:34: Conversational, mobile messaging-based technology from Rival enables global brands to recruit and engage beyond the traditional access panel. This includes recruitment via influencers, QR codes and branded social sampling.
15:17: Working with Reach3 Insights, Hyundai used the Rival platform to capture in-the-moment insights for its innovative robo-taxi program.
17:16: Tyson Foods used chats to capture real-time feedback during COVID, understanding how morning routines and habits were changing in the midst of the pandemic.
18:39: In a recent snacking study, a major CPG company captured video feedback of people trying their chips—providing rich context on consumption occasions, packaging cues and flavor optimization.
21:22: Diageo reimagined its approach to insight communities for the mobile age.
23:25: For Ciara and Russell Wilson's House of LR&C, their mobile community with Rival is an extension of their brand.
27:36: Ultimately, conversational research methods drive business outcomes. For example: Kimberly-Clark increased category sales by 20% using insights captured through this approach.
Book a demo now and we’ll show you how fast and easy it can be to access a more diverse and inclusive group of consumers with our unique mix of conversational research design and mobile-messaging based technology.